Simulation and parameter estimation with rxode2 and nlmixr2

PAGE 2024

By Rik Schoemaker in workshop

June 9, 2024

Workshop Learning Objectives

During the workshop, participants will learn how to use the rxode2 package to simulate from ODE models and the nlmixr2 package to estimate parameters in ODE models. The workshop will be hands-on, with participants working through examples in R. Worked examples in both PK and PKPD will be provided, and advanced capabilities of nlmixr2 will be demonstrated. There will be coffee!

Workshop overview

We will be covering the following:

  • Introduction to rxode2 simulation
  • Introduction to nlmixr2 and parameter estimation
  • Hands on with the warfarin PK model (part 1)
  • Advanced capabilities of nlmixr2
  • Hands on with the warfarin PK and PKPD models (part 2)
Posted on:
June 9, 2024
1 minute read, 106 words
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